Just one more …

As most of the visitors to our Instagram account and the busy readers of our news page know, we are quite big Packard fans here at Gents Barn! Cars, engines, history – we are fascinated by the entire spectrum of this glorious, old luxury brand. As part of our portfolio, we already have a perfectly restored, inline six-cylinder 1M-245 Packard Marine engine in our inventory. We also own the only surviving and completely restored 1M-245 R racing engine from 1947, once ordered by the Shah of Persia. And now the next 1M-245 follows – still unrestored, but 98% complete and therefore important for a possible new build or as a possible spare parts supplier – we are very happy that of the only 1,865 engines built (plus approx. 10 racing versions) now three “survivors” have already found their way to us – and thus, to our knowledge, 1/3 of all Packard 1M-245 models still in existence that were built almost 75 years ago.